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Equal: What the Bible Says about Women, Men, and Authority

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"It's hard to imagine a theme more timely 

for the global church today, nor a message more necessary"

Pete Greig
24-7 Prayer International and Emmaus Rd, Guildford

What People are Saying

Shawn Bolz
"Men, you need to read it for your wives, mothers, sisters, daughters so that you have full faith for who they are meant to be according to God’s beautiful design. Women, you need to read it so that you can accurately become all that God has for you. This is not a women’s ministry book."

Shawn Bolz

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Eric Johnson
"Equal is thought-provoking and will make you take a look at your own perceptions of men and women and their roles. I encourage you to read this book with a desire to be challenged and to learn, it will undoubtedly have an impact on your life."

Eric Johnson

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Dr. Patricia King
"As you read this book, I predict that you will be both challenged and elated.  This very topic is on the heart of God for this hour -- Equal has been inspired by the Spirit of God for 'such a time as this'! I highly recommend this wonderful work — It is brilliant!"

Dr. Patricia King

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Alexander F. Venter
"Katia writes well, argues clearly, showing the various interpretations of the key texts under discussion, then proposes responsible alternative ways of understanding them in their historical context, and applies the meaning to our current (church) context."

Alexander F. Venter

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John & Debby Wright Image
"Katia Adams offers a remarkably fresh take on many of the most controversial NT passages with a gentleness that is commendable. Wherever one lands with regard to the topics covered in these pages, they are well worth reading and Katia’s is an important voice in the conversation."

Debby Wright

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Pete Hughes Image
"I absolutely loved it. For those that care about liberating both men and women to lead and make their full contribution to Christ’s body, I couldn’t recommend this book more highly."

Pete Hughes

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Dr. Sean Du Toit
"Katia Adams has written a well informed and readable resource that will equip the church with a helpful theological vision for understanding the biblical basis for women in ministry.  Indebted to many technical works, her book provides a bridge between the academic world and the church."

Dr. Sean Du Toit

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Rev Pete Wynter
"Katia has captured profound insight and accessible application in a bold and compassionate way. This book is a brave engagement with some of the big issues of our cultural moment. These pages hold challenge and inspiration as they tackle complexity head on. "

Rev Pete Wynter

Author's Title
Sophie le Ray
"Far from staying in the comfort of academia, Equal is a call to action for us, the Church, to come back to the front of culture shaping and relevance, leading the conversation about the Gender Divide. It offers very practical suggestions to level the playing field not only in the secular world but in pastoral leadership too."

Sophie le Rae

Author's Title
David Stroud
"I’m grateful to Katia for providing a thoughtful approach to what the bible has to say on this important topic. As I read this book I was reminded of the gospel’s liberating power for women & men & it’s call for us to relate together in honouring, respectful & empowering ways."

David Stroud

Author's Title
Liam Thatcher
"Equal makes a strong biblical case for the full equality of men and women. Katia is both firm in her conviction, and honouring to those who read Scripture differently. Whatever your position on this important topic, I’m sure you’ll find much to agree with and plenty to be challenged by."

Liam Thatcher

Author's Title
Pete Greig
"Having returned to faith in Jesus under the apostolic ministry of Jackie Pullinger, I long to see women rise up to exercise spiritual authority alongside men, so that the church of Jesus Christ can bring a message of reconciliation and hope to every part of our broken world."

Pete Greig

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Paul Harcourt
“A hope-filled and inspiring vision for mutuality in ministry! What I love about this book is that it is engages so well not only with the biblical material but also, and as importantly, with the heart of the one who inspired and gave us the Word”

Paul Harcourt

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About Katia

Dr. Katia Adams is a co-director of Frequentsee. She is an apostolic teacher who is known for releasing revelation and breakthrough. Katia teaches on theological courses, church conferences and leadership events internationally.

She was born in the Middle East and has inherited a legacy of revival from her grandparents and parents who are leading pioneers of the modern day church in Iran.

In addition to being a preacher, motivational speaker and church leadership consultant, she is also a medical doctor, wife to Julian, mother to two busy children and an avid reader of the Daily Telegraph.
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About Katia

Dr. Katia Adams is a co-director of Frequentsee. She is an apostolic teacher who is known for releasing revelation and breakthrough. Katia teaches on theological courses, church conferences and leadership events internationally.

She was born in the Middle East and has inherited a legacy of revival from her grandparents and parents who are leading pioneers of the modern day church in Iran.

In addition to being a preacher, motivational speaker and church leadership consultant, she is also a medical doctor, wife to Julian, mother to two busy children and an avid reader of the Daily Telegraph.
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